Retaking power after the 2015 general elections. On the other hand, some first regional agreements by the Various progressive parties that are negotiating pacts (for example, in the Balearic Islands) include a return to the universal health care system. In the absence of an agreement with the different governments of the autonomous communities on the terms of these regulatory changes, some conditions would have been described in the media: minimum time to register.
Annual family income of 1.5 times below the Iprem (index of reference income to request state aid). On the part of the Ministry of Health, it has been leaked that immigrants in the situation discussed would be assigned a pediatrician moible number data or family doctor. In addition, they would have access to certain treatments (for example, vaccines), associated with primary care. In any case, there are still many loose ends to tie up with the autonomous administrations.
At the height of the first week of June, are still pending governments, which are probably of a different sign from that of the State. On the other hand, the type of health card to which they would be entitled would be issued by the staff of the health centers of the immigrant's autonomy. In fact, health care would only be provided in the issuing community and would not be valid for other States of the European Union either. For his part, Juan José Rodríguez Sendín.