The medium through which this information can be viewed is web media. Web media is a style in which users search for and retrieve information that interests them. Therefore, it is important to prepare content that will attract interest. ##What types of web media are there? Web media can be categorized into the following types: Owned Media Curation (Summary) Viral Primary Media Secondary Media Now, let's take a look at the characteristics of each. owned media Owned media refers to corporate sites and blogs operated by companies. We improve customer satisfaction by providing users with useful information from our own information dissemination media. Web media is mainly used to increase awareness of a company's products and services, and to increase a company's profile.
Curation (Summary) Curation sites refer to media cell phone numbers list that disseminate information tailored to the needs of each user. Depending on the curation media, you can choose the theme yourself. It is used as a medium that allows you to easily collect appropriate information. Famous media include SmartNews and Gunosy. Another feature is that there are many things to view on smartphone apps. viral First of all, the word viral means ``a topic spreads like a virus.'' Viral media are news sites that post images, videos, etc. in blog format. The operating media has a high spreading power and literally has the property of spreading like a virus. primary media Primary media is media that originates mainly from newspaper companies, news agencies, and television networks, and is in charge of editors and writers.
Because it is published from a public information source, it is highly reliable and has many PVs. In particular, there is a tendency for news and current events to be disseminated frequently. secondary media Secondary media is a secondary source of information that is transmitted through primary media. Yahoo! A typical example is what is known as "portal media," which is well-known in news and other media. If it is a well-known secondary media, you can expect a lot of access and views. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . 6 points to consider when running web media When considering running a web media, it is important to keep a few points in mind.