AwardNotice me and pay me Monika Gawanowska Marketing in Practice No Tools article from the printed edition MediaKix specialists calculated that the average Internet user spends an average of minutes a day on social media or almost hours Its not just you who does it your customers do it too Why not use it Regardless of whether we sell products or services we need to attract a customer interested in purchasing
The companies I work with usually mention several ways of acquiring customers These are direct sales recommendations events fairs conferences the Internet networking The vast majority of entrepreneurs admit that customers most often come to them Cell Phone Number List through recommendations What does it mean Customers come to a company because someone recommended it to them They also conclude from the opinions what quality of the productservice they can expect they have initially accepted it
and are basically ready to take advantage of the offer But are you sure Not completely Because if a friend asks for directions to a good architect or doctor before calling she will often check whether the search engine results confirm her friends opinion And this is not about the principle of limited trust Rather it is a trend that exists and is growing according to the statistics quoted in the box .